Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan

Summary Table of Local Priority Habitats

UKBAP Broad Habitat Types

UKBAP or National (S41) Priority Habitat

Local Priority Habitats / Habitats of Importance in Barnsley

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Lowland mixed deciduous woodland [2259 ha]

Mixed deciduous woodland with ancient woodland a particular priority. Mainly mixed oak-birch and some mixed ash woodland in Barnsley.

Upland oakwood

Upland oakwood. Only remnants in the Dark Peak. Upland oakwood characteristics are relevant for any replanting in this area.

Wet woodland

Wet woodland in Barnsley includes notable examples of willow carr and other wet woodlands with alder and ash as dominant trees.

Lowland wood pasture and parkland [610 ha]

Wood pasture and parkland.* Mainly on historic parkland in Barnsley. Veteran trees of importance wherever they are.  

Traditional orchards [6ha]

Traditional orchard -some longstanding and some recent in Barnsley.

Scrub. Although not  identified as a  national priority habitat, scrub is recognised locally as sometimes important for biodiversity.

Coniferous woodland

Coniferous woodland

Although the plantations of coniferous woodlands in Barnsley are non-native in some cases they support specific important species of wildlife.

Boundary and linear features


Hedgerows with 80% or more of at least one native woody species of tree or shrub. When ancient or ‘species rich' especially significant. Other boundary and linear features can be of importance.

Arable and Horticultural

Arable field margins

Arable field margins* and ‘in-field’ measures designed to benefit key farmland species in arable areas.

Improved grassland

Amenity grassland. Although not a national priority habitat, recognised locally as capable of being managed to support biodiversity.

Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh [66 ha]

Floodplain grazing marsh. Wet neutral grassland periodically flooded on some floodplains in the river Dearne valley.

Neutral grassland

Lowland meadows [64 ha]

Neutral grassland -unimproved and semi-improved. Pastures or meadows. Also in recreational sites, churchyards, roadside verges etc.

Acid grassland

Lowland dry acid grassland [184 ha]

Acid grassland -unimproved or semi-improved. Pastures, field corners, banks and roadside or track verges.

Calcareous grassland

Calcareous grassland

Calcareous grassland not found in Barnsley except on previously developed land.

Dwarf shrub heath

Upland heathland [296 ha]

Upland heathland. 25% or more coverage of dwarf shrubs on slopes of moors in west of Barnsley above enclosed pastures and 300m contour.

Lowland heathland [10 ha]

Lowland heath. 25% or more coverage of dwarf shrubs below 300m contour. Lowland scarce and fragmented in Barnsley, on the edges of slopes of sandstone hills, on former commons, and on former pit-stacks.

Fen, marsh and swamp

Reedbed [9 ha]

Reedbeds. Permanently flooded, sizeable individual or groups of reedbeds, or capable of being extended.

Lowland fen [8 ha]

Lowland fen. Remnants in the Dearne valley, tall herbaceous plants, rushes, sedges and reed grasses on a wet, peaty soil..

Upland flushes, fens and swamps [31 ha]

Upland flushes, fens and swamps on moors and moor fringes, with mosses, rushes, sedges and reed grasses on a wet, often peaty soil.

Purple moor grass and rush pasture

Purple moor grass and rush pasture. Wet marshy grassland with rushes and purple moor grass, upland fringes and some lowland areas.


Blanket bog [2164 ha]

Blanket Bog. Water-logged areas of cotton grass, moss, rush, sedge and heather (<25%) with underlying peat. Significant in Dark Peak.

Standing water and canals


Standing water and ponds includes all standing water capable of supporting biodiversity and especially populations of key species.

Rivers and streams


Running water, rivers and streams includes all rivers and streams capable of supporting biodiversity and especially populations of key species.

Inland rock

Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land. Mosaic of early successional vegetation and bare substrate on modified soils. Other specialised habitats may also be found on modified soils.

Built-up areas & gardens

Built environment and gardens provide a habitat for many common and vulnerable species and can be managed to support biodiversity.

Differences with 2008 BAP

Barnsley Biodiversity Trust: Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Last Updated April 2018