Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




Silkstone Fall woodland Map showing woodlands in Barnsley

Most of the LWS woods listed are ancient woodland. The following ancient woodlands are not LWSs at this time:

Bagger Wood, Nabs Wood, Hall Royd Wood near Silkstone Common, Cowcroft Wood, north west of Kexborough, Sheephouse Wood, north west of Stockbridge and woodland to the west of Great Houghton.

Woods that may warrant LWS status due to their assemblages of woodland birds are:

Bagger Wood; Wigfield Wood; woodland north east of Wombwell; Royd, Falt, Broad, Bracken and Ron Cliff woods west of Cawthorne; woods around Langsett.

26 Cliffe Wood, W10, W16;

29 Wombwell Wood, W10, W16;

30 Short Wood and Hay Green: W10;

31 Sunny Bank, Horse Carr and Storrs Wood, W10, W16

34 West Haigh Wood, W16;

41 Wharncliffe Chase / Wood, W16;

42 West Wood, W10, W16;

45 Skiers Spring Wood, W10;

47 Hoyland Bank Wood, W10, W16.

64 Woolley Bank and Bell Bank Wood, W10

10 Hollin and Spring Woods, W10, W16;

11 Gunthwaite Dam & Clough Wood, W10;

12 Margery Wood, W10;

13 North Wood, W10, W16;

14 Royd, Vicar, Lindley & Coates Great Woods, W10;

16 Silkstone Fall Wood, W10;

20 Hugset Wood, W10;

21 Lowe Wood, W10;

23 Rockley Woods, W10;

The following Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) include the Mixed Deciduous Woodland priority habitat. The NVC category is shown for each LWS as W10 - Oak-bracken-bramble woodland with its rich display of spring flowers and/or W16 - Oak-birch-wavy hair grass woodland. Many of these sites also include areas of alder ash flush woodland (W7), where there are streams or flushes.

Woodland and Local Wildlife Sites*

Mixed Deciduous Woodland Sites

Barnsley has 3637 hectares (36 square km) of woodland, just under 10% of its area. Most woods are west of the M1, like Bagger & Hugset woods, with some woods like West Haigh and Wombwell woods in the east. There are no woods designated as SSSIs but a number locally designated as Local Wildlife Sites*

Woodland habitat can also be found in small copses, and in wooded strips along old parish boundaries, tracks & streams.

Distribution of woodland in Barnsley
Ancient woodland dark green

Other woodland light green

Coppiced woodland at Hugset wood

* For information on what a SSSI and a LWS are see the Sites page from the main menu.

Deciduous Woodland Sites