Barnsley Biodiversity Action Plan. Post-15 BAP. Updated to 2023




LWS selection criteria for running water courses include:

LWS along River Don

01 Western Moors

50 Wogden Foot

15 Black Moor Common

61 Romtickle Bridge

40 Forge +Tin Mill Rocher

41 Wharncliffe Chase ...

... Scout Dike

3 Broadstone Reservoir

4 Ingbirchworth Reservoir

5 Royd Moor Reservoir

6 Scout Dyke Reservoir

LWS along River Dearne

48 Bretton Park

25 Canal at Wilthorpe

54 Old Mill Lane...

26 Cliffe Wood (DVCP)

31 Sunny Bank, Storrs wd

35 Edderthorpe Ings

38 Old Moor & Wath Ings

39 Bolton-on-Dearne...

... ...

... Cawthorne Dike

11 Gunthwaite dam

17 Daking Brook

... Silkstone Beck

16 Silkstone Fall wood

... Knoll Dike

46 Elsecar Reservoir

... Cudworth Dike

60 Rabbit Ings

27 Carlton Marsh

LWS along River Dove

24 Worsbrough reservoir

51 Barrow Colliery

57 Swaithe Flood Meadows

55 Parkhill nature reserve

36 Broomhill Flash

... Rockley Dike

23 Rockley Wood

... Dodworth Dike

21 Falthwaite & Lowe wd

Local Wildlife Sites.

The only LWS designated because of its running water habitat is Dakin brook which runs through Cannon Hall; however many LWS have rivers or streams running associated with them.

Barnsley area rivers+detail of streams+ attrib.jpg

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2016)

For a larger image showing smaller water courses click the image above. for more information.

Sites: Rivers, Streams and Running Water

The source of the River Don is on the western Barnsley moors, beyond Winscar reservoir. The River Dearne runs into Barnsley through Bretton Lake in the north. The watershed dividing the Don and Dearne catchments follows the line of the A629 to the east of Penistone.

National river priority habitat in Barnsley includes:

River headwaters:

Headwaters to Don & Little Don.

Active shingle rivers:

Cawthorne Dyke and Don from Scout Dyke to Little Don.

Rivers with key species.

With a priority species strongly dependent on habitat quality: Cawthorne Dike (Dakin Brook) with White-clawed Crayfish and Southern Iron Blue Fly recorded.

With six priority species less dependent on habitat quality: Dearne with Eel, Brown Trout, Bullhead, Water Vole, Otter, Soprano Pipistrelle bat and Reed Bunting (breeding near rivers). Salmon would also count.

A number of rivers or streams in Barnsley have one to four priority species recorded.

The local priority habitat includes the water courses that support priority species, good populations of key species or provide rich sites for invertebrates or plants.

However all rivers and streams in Barnsley have possible value for wildlife and should be viewed as potential local priority habitat.

To the west of the watershed, Scout Dike and the Little Don join the Don itself, whereas all streams east of the watershed flow first into the River Dove or directly into the River Dearne.

River Don

 Running Water Sites